进行: be in progress; be underway; ...全面: overall; comprehensive; all- ...灌水: irrigation; watering浇水: watering进行全面灌水: overall watering全面灌水: all over irrigation进行全面检查: b have an overall check; have an overall check环顾, 观光, 进行全面考虑: look round全面: overallcomprehensiveall-roundentire全面进行生产: full-scale operation锋面灌水: total irrigation全面进行生产 全面运转: full-scaleoperation进行全备份: fully backup安全面: safeside; stabilizator; stabilizer全面,全体: across-the-board全面“三通”: the direct two-way and complete “three links全面报: semesta全面的: across-the-aboard; across-the-board; all around; all round; allaround; allround; all-sided; complete; comprehensive; full scale; fullscale; general; holohedral; o. a. overall; rounded全面地: across the board; all sidedly; in its entirety; roundly全面粉: whole meal flour全面缝: all round sewing全面化: generalization全面积: gross area全面剪: general shear failure全面人: cosmopolitans